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Our refuge accommodation offers a safe, temporary home for women and children

Our refuge

Our refuge provides a safe place where women, and women with children, can stay and escape abuse. Our team can provide practical advice on housing, finances and pursuing prosecutions against abusers. In addition, we offer support groups and therapeutic programmes for refuge residents.

Accommodates up to 19 families

Safe and secure location

Ongoing counselling and support

Indoor and outdoor play areas

Links to local schools

4 follow-on properties

Apply for a place at our refuge accommodation

You can self-refer either via phone on 0333 242 2055 or you can download and complete this referral form and email it to us enquiries@findingfreedom.org.uk. Alternatively you can be referred via another agency, for example the police, social services, housing practitioners, on your behalf.

We can be trusted

We will discuss with you the safest means of contact and will never share with anyone that you have made contact with us – unless you disclose something that is a safeguarding concern. We will never share any information with the perpetrator.

We can be trusted

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What do I need to bring with me to the refuge?

Ideally ID documents such as your passport or driving licence, and birth certificates for your children, and some clothes. However if you don’t have these we can still access support for you, and we have contact with local charities who can provide clothing.

What if I don’t have the money to get to the refuge?

We can apply for a’ rail to refuge’ ticket, and send the ticket and collection details to your mobile phone.

Do I share accommodation at the refuge?

You will have your own bedroom, and share kitchen and bathroom facilities.

Am I allowed out of the refuge?

You are free to come and go, there are no restrictions.

Can I bring my pet?

Unfortunately not, but we can provide support with pet fostering.

Is alcohol allowed in the refuge?

We are an alcohol and drug free establishment.

Our refuge story

I came to the refuge, with my children, following several years in an abusive marriage. I had no idea what to expect when I arrived, but was greeted by the most supportive team. I was able to access on-to-one support from my key worker and, through their staff, support for my children. The refuge was often full of laughs and caring individuals, both staff and residents, and it very quickly became my sanctuary and my home. 

Through the refuge, I started going to counselling sessions and I was able to rebuild my lost confidence and gain my life back. 

The support I gained from the refuge did not end when we moved into our home. I have always felt they would be there for me, no matter what I was being faced with.

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