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If you feel like it’s abuse, it probably is. We can help you safely find freedom.

5 signs you are in an abusive relationship

Domestic abuse can be financial, psychological, physical, emotional or sexual, and it can happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, race, disability, wealth, sexuality, gender identity and lifestyle.

Emotional and psychological abuse

Playing mind games, calling you names, putting you down, humiliating you in public, stopping you from going out or seeing your friends and family, turning your children against you.

Financial abuse

Withholding and controlling your money, checking on everything you spend, not giving you enough money for you or your children’s day to day expenses and food.

Physical abuse

Hitting, spitting at or on you, pinching you, biting you, choking you, restraining you, pushing you around, pulling your hair.

Sexual abuse

Unwanted touching or fondling, forcing you to have sex against your will, taking sexual photographs of you and sharing them against your will, saying or doing things sexually that make you feel bad.

Coercive control

Taking control over aspects of your everyday life, such as where you can go, who you can see, what you can wear and when you can sleep, depriving you access to support services, such as medical services, monitoring your activities and your movements.

Things don’t have to be this way

Our services, refuge, and range of programmes offer survivors of abuse a way to plan a new, happier, future.

Get help today

If you’re experiencing abuse, we’re here to help

Text service

07704 345 486

Let us know if you want us to text back at a particular time.

Phone service

0333 242 2055

Our phone line is open between 9am and 10pm

Email service


Let us know if you want us to text back at a particular time.

We can be trusted

We will discuss with you the safest means of contact and will never share with anyone that you have made contact with us – unless you disclose something that is a safeguarding concern. We will never share any information with the perpetrator. 

We can be trusted

It’s OK to have questions

Am I eligible for support?

Anyone from 4 years old upwards can access our support services, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

What support is available for my children?

We offer support for any children and young people who have either been direct victims of domestic abuse or have witnessed abuse in the home from the age of 4 years old upwards.

How will my criminal record impact the help I can receive?

There is no impact whatsoever, unless you are a perpetrator convicted of a domestic abuse case.

Will my immigration status impact the help I can receive?

If you are on a Spouse Visa, we can support you to apply for a Destitute Domestic Violence (DDV) concession.

My English language skills are not good

Our Support Workers have access to Language Line, the 24/7 interpreting service for a wide range of languages.

Can you support us?

As a charity we rely on donations to enable us to deliver our essential services. If you would like to support our work, all donations make a huge difference to the lives of the survivors we help.

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Get in touch

Experiencing abuse? Worried about someone else? Or are you looking to support our work with fundraising or volunteering opportunities? Get in touch via email, phone or text.

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